
[Revue de presse] – La nouvelle solution managériale – #16

15 janvier 2021
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Harvard Business ReviewThriving in the Age of Hybrid Work

As we begin to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, hiring data is highlighting a growing demand for individuals with a more unusual or heterogeneous talent profile, such that they combine soft and hard skills hitherto not found in the same individual. If you are a Jack-of-all-trades, you can now expect to be in-demand, so long as you find a niche to apply your different skills and interests. Even if you as an individual haven’t mastered the art of developing a multi-skilled and interdisciplinary talent profile, you do have choices. The most important is to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Instead, broaden your career horizons to expand your self-concept, reimagine your potential in the most wide-ranging and diversified way, and be open to unusual choices. There has never been a better time to keep your options open.

Harvard Business ReviewAn Agile Approach to Change Management

In the wake of Covid-19, organizations are fundamentally rethinking their product and service portfolios, reinventing their supply chains, pursuing large-scale organizational restructuring and digital transformation, and rebuilding to correct systemic racism from the ground up. Traditional change management process won’t cut it. The author borrows from agile software development processes to reinvent the change management playbook.

Les EchosSituations d’urgence ou crise : qui sont les urgentistes du management ?

Qu’ils interviennent dans le cadre d’un renfort, d’une situation de crise ou d’un soutien aux équipes en place pour passer un cap difficile, les managers de transition se posent en levier pour relancer l’organisation.

Journal du NetLes 10 principes fondateurs du management de demain

Y aura t-il un après Covid en matière de management ? Sans aucun doute. Mais ce ne sera pas pour autant ce que l’on croit.

Courrier Cadres L’expérience digitale des collaborateurs devient un enjeu crucial

Nexthink publie les résultats d’une étude sur les enjeux IT autour de l’expérience numérique des collaborateurs dans un contexte de pandémie. Il en ressort qu’en temps de télétravail généralisé, il reste du chemin à parcourir, notamment en matière d’accompagnement.

Écrit par Julia Flahaut

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